I’ve got to say that one of my worst pet peeves with other parents is when someone with only 1 boy or no boys tries to tell me “Oh I totally understand how boys can be”.
NO YOU DON’T. You really, really don’t.
Unless you have only boys (and you have to have more than 1), you have absolutely no idea what it’s like. You may have 1 boy, or 1 girl and 1 boy, or 2 girls, or whatever….but if you don’t have at least 2 boys, please stop telling me you understand what life if like with them. I don’t pretend to understand what a mom of only girls goes thru everyday. I don’t pretend to understand what it’s like to have 1 boy and 1 girl. I can sort of understand what it’s like to only have 1 boy, but that didn’t last long for us.
Anyhow, let me show you a glimpse of what it’s like to be the mom of 2 boys :
- On any given day and at any given moment, I am telling one of them to leave their penis alone.
- About 3,000 times a day I ask them to stop wrestling with one another.
- You can find a rock and/or stick collection in at least 2 rooms of my house.
- Boys love their mommies. I get a lot of cuddles. Yes, they want to be like Daddy one day-but they come to Mommy for just about everything.
- 2,000 times a day I ask them to stop zooming cars under my feet while I’m in the kitchen.
- At any given moment there is at least 2 stains on their body or clothes.
- The smell of urine is in your bathroom, no matter how many times you clean the room.
- Toys almost always become weapons….a pencil, a toilet paper roll, and yes, even their penis can and will transform into a “sword”.
- 1,000 times a day I tell them to stop doing what they are doing before they hurt each other or break something.
- Things you never dreamed could be climbed, WILL be climbed. I still remember the first time I spotted my youngest SCALING the pantry-and my oldest was cheering him on! My heart nearly shot out of my mouth.
- If there is silence while they are “playing”, be scared…very scared.
- Clothes…nice clothes? Forget about it…new jeans last about 5 minutes before there are holes in the knees.
- Get used to farts and burps….that is all, just get used to them.
- LEGOs are everywhere and I mean everywhere…in the couch cushions, in the laundry hamper, in the vacuum, in their beds, in the toilet….everywhere.
- They never stop moving….even when they are sitting, they are still moving and shooting funny faces at each other.
- Boys together have 2 volumes, loud and louder.
- Giggling you hear is normally the result of a burp or fart or someone using the word butt.
Am I upset I only have boys? Absolutely NOT. They are my boys and I adore them. I can’t imagine my life with any other kids. I tell them every day that if I could pick any 4 and 6 year old in the whole world, I would always pick them to be my kids. Even with the dirt, bruises, tantrums, etc….they are full of life and full of love and they make me complete. And I kind of think burps and farts are funny too.