Charlotte over at Stretching Your Budget has put together some great ideas for reusing baby wipes containers. I already reuse mine for crayons, markers, etc. but had never thought of these other ideas!
So, here’s an easy way to create storage for all of the small things in your house! You only need one supply: an empty wipes container! I love to save all of my empty baby wipes containers and I use them for my daughters art supplies, markers, crayons, etc!! It’s super inexpensive (since you can get wipes for really cheap) and it doesn’t matter if they break it or color on it, because you can always get a new one! Well, I thought I would google some other things things that you could store in your wipes containers. Here’s what I found:
2. CD storage
3. Kitchen storage like small utensils, medicine cups, batteries, those little corn holder things!!
4. Toys: legos, small trucks, small books, etc.
5. Drawer dividers

I hope some of these ideas will help you become frugal around your house this week! What do you do with your empty wipes containers???